As a top Cast Iron and Cast Steel Ball Valve Manufacturer in USA, they are known for their cost effectiveness and good results. The Cast iron and cast steel ball valve are being utilized in a variety of commercial industries such as oil and gas, water systems and utility systems. Therefore they are made from cast iron and usually have a stainless steel as the cast iron is a tuff metal that can standby within a certain temperature and Cast Steel has a steel casting with carbon contempt less than two percent
Controlling the Flow: For controlling the flow of fluids the valve uses a ball instead of gate
Commercial Utilization: The valves are can be used in various industrial applications like as Chemical, Petrochemical Industries and Utility System
Operations: The valve are generally operated manually with a lever or gear and are usually utilized for switching applications and throttling
Good Casting: As a top Cast Iron and Cast Steel Ball Valve Manufacturer in USA the valve have good casting property of gray cast iron with good wear resistance, good vibration damping and good machinability
Protective Covering: The valve also provides protective covering
Design Flexibility: The casting design has flexibility that allows for complex shapes and hollow cross-section parts. The casting designers have maximum freedom to design choice
Industries Using
Oil and Gas Industry
Water Supply
Air Conditioning
Utility System
Chemical Industry
Fire Fighting
Natural Gas Industries
Petrochemical Industries
Ball: The ball is in round closure that controls the flow of liquid
Inlet Port: The inlet port is the pathway for a liquid to enter the valve
Outlet Port: The outlet port is the pathway for liquid to escape the valve